Dedicated Server Hosting Business?

If you run an online business, then you should have dealt with choosing the correct web hosting service at some point. As there are different types of web hosting services out there, the most preferred and commonly offered is shared hosting. However, if your website starts getting a lot of traffic, and is growing, you might want to upgrade your web hosting plan anytime. cPanel dedicated server  & manage your server-related task from a user-friendly cPanel and it should be considered in terms of speed, security, and performance.

And here is where you can start with cheap dedicated server. A dedicated server is a type of physical server with a single-tenant hosting environment. In this, you do not share the server resources with any other users. This is ultimate in terms of speed, security and performance.

Read more about what is dedicated server hosting and the best-dedicated hosting providers below:

Who Should Choose a Dedicated Server?

You can choose a dedicated server in the following scenarios:

  • You start getting more traffic on your website, and your current hosting plan is not able to handle the same.
  • You require enhanced security for your website/application.
  • Need to host a mission-critical website/application that demands more resources.
  • Need a customized hosting environment, wherein you have full control over the server, and customize it in the way you want.

Advantages of Using a Dedicated Server

Opting for a dedicated server is known as the top-performing hosting option. Here are the key advantages of a dedicated server:

Top Level of Security

When you choose a dedicated server, you get the highest level of security, as you are the only one who has access to the server and its resources. You can be assured that your website data is completely secured from threats or other cyber-attacks. Server providers like MilesWeb include even an SSL certificate with their dedicated server plans. This creates a safe encryption between the website data and browser.

Best Speed & Performance

Dedicated servers offer the highest speed and performance to your website/application. Was your website/application down due to the peak website traffic? By choosing a dedicated server, you don’t have to worry about that MilesWeb offers a 99.95% uptime guarantee to keep websites up and functional round the clock on the web.

Easy to Customize

A dedicated server allows you to customize the server in the way you want. You have the flexibility to manage, change the software, and monitor the server.

You get root access to the server, this means, you can customize the server in the way you want. Install applications of your choice, imply configurations in the way you want, delete server wide applications, take control over the ports, and do much more. Additionally, you can also securely access and transfer files on your dedicated server with Secure Shell Transfer Protocol (SSTP).

Server Location in India

When picking a dedicated server there are so many things to consider. One is, that you should select a data center close to your target audience. MilesWeb has data center in India, which is ideal for target audience based in India. Their data center abides by highest level of security, robust infrastructure that enables to deliver 99.95% uptime.


Pricing is also a very crucial factor to consider.  A dedicated server is more expensive than other types of servers but, it’s worth it in the long run. When you have your own server, you have complete control over website resources. You can know how much IP address you will require and how much bandwidth, storage space you need.

If you want to get a dedicated server from MilesWeb, they have different tired plans from which you can choose. Like, they have 19 plans for dedicated server hosting.

You can check out the plans in the below image: E5-2609 2.4GHz is the basic plan that includes resources like, (4 cores/8 threads), 8GB memory, 480GB SSD disk space, 2TB / 1Gbps bandwidth and more. And if you check out their premium plan is Platinum 8163 2.5GHz. This plan will cost you Rs.48,000, and include the resources, (24 cores/48 threads), 256 GB RAM, 2TB SSD disk space, 10TB/1Gbps bandwidth.

Thus, the resources you get are all top-notch when you choose MilesWeb’s dedicated server.

Is a Dedicated Server Worth It?

Yes, if you need the best performance and value, for your money, then getting a dedicated server would be great!

Even though dedicated servers are more costly than other web hosting options, they will serve you the best. Meaning, that dedicated servers are an ideal option if your website/app is getting a lot of traffic and demands a high amount of resources.

Final Words

If you are looking for enhanced speed, performance and security, dedicated servers are the best option for you. And you can trust MilesWeb for getting a dedicated server. As, they offer everything, right from superior features, to high-class security with affordable pricing. Get a dedicated server for your business today.

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